Gathering Plaza Survey



This survey is about the new gathering plaza in the Parksville Community Park. We understand public spaces are important for community engagement, relaxing and socializing. Completed earlier this year, we are pleased to see the gathering plaza now being used extensively by the public.

With this survey, we hope to learn from park users how the space is used and how it could be used in the future. Whether it's organized activities or seating options, we want to hear from you. Participating in this survey is an opportunity to have a voice in ensuring this space continues to be vibrant, inviting, and inclusive. Your feedback will help create a space which enhances quality of life and fosters a sense of community.

Have you spent time in the new gathering plaza in the Parksville Community Park?

How often do you visit the gathering plaza?

Tell us how you have used the space.

How would you like to see the space used?

What can be done to improve the gathering plaza? What improvements would make you spend more time in this public space?

Would you like to see programmed activities or events in the gathering plaza? What might that look like to you?

What is your overall satisfaction with accessibility in the gathering plaza?

Which amenities are essential for you to enjoy public spaces? Select all that apply.

What is your favourite memory of spending time in the gathering plaza this summer?

How would you describe your overall satisfaction with the maintenance of the gathering plaza?

What type of seating do you prefer in public spaces? Select all that apply.

What other activities or areas of the Parksville Community Park have you used over the past six months?

Please select which type of sporting event or activity attended. Select all that apply.

What is your favourite thing about Parksville Community Park?

How are you connected to the City of Parksville?

Please leave any other comments here.

We very much appreciate your time to complete this survey. Let’s Talk Parksville provides details on the many Parksville Community Park improvements completed over the past year. 


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