CUPE 2278 Equity and Safety Survey

This survey is for the student workers at UBC. It is designed to better understand the needs, priorities, and experiences of student workers. It was created by student workers at UBC on the CUPE 2278 Survey Team. 

From feedback in previous surveys, we saw the need to not only further explore the experiences of hardship of student workers, but also to understand what services at UBC are being used and how we can bargain to make them better. 

We have also heard student workers express the need to share stories and experiences so that they are collectively heard and shared back with the community. We are collecting this data for a shared sense of community and to have concrete and winnable proposals to bring to the bargaining table. 

The data collected is owned solely by the CUPE 2278 Survey Team. Your individual survey responses are anonymous and will only be viewed by the CUPE 2278 Survey Team. Any responses that can lead to the identification of an individual will be suppressed for our analysis to ensure that all results are truly anonymous and protect you as individuals. The information gathered in this survey will be reported out quantitatively in aggregate (expressed as a summary for statistical analysis) and qualitatively through anonymised written response quotes.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey or data use, please get in touch with

The survey consists of the following sections: 

1. Demographic and Geographic Information

2. Discrimination and Harassment

3. Access to Healthcare

4. Housing and Affordability

5. Our Union

6. Sharing Stories

We encourage you to fill out the whole survey. You are able to save and come back to your responses on the same device at a later time. The survey takes on average of 15-20 mintes to complete. 

You will be asked for your contact information at the end of the survey if you wish to be entered in the draw for a $25 gift card. 

If you would like to come back at a later time and complete additional rounds of sharing stories, please feel free to do so! 

Sections of the survey to complete

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