City of Parksville Comms Survey 2024


It’s been a while since we asked our residents how they wish to receive information about the City’s programs, activities and projects. As well, we are working on a website redesign and looking to gather feedback. It will take a few minutes to complete this survey, we do appreciate your time. Thank you!

How do you prefer to receive information from the City? Select all that apply.

Please specify which social media you use the most. Select all that apply

When sharing your feedback with us, what is your preferred method?  Select all that apply.

Thinking about information coming from the City, is the amount of information...

Which of our websites are you most familiar with? Select all that apply. Once options are selected, you will be asked how often you use the website(s).

How often do you use the City's website?

How often do you use the Parksville Fire Department website?

How often do you use the Emergency Management Oceanside website?

How often do you use the Let's Talk Parksville website?

How do you access online content?

Overall, how easy is it to find what you are looking for on the City's website,

What aspects of the City's website do you like the most (what are the best features)?

In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges with the current website?

When using the City of Parksville website, what info do you use or look for the most often?

What website functions are most important? Select all that apply.

What improvements to the website are most important to you? Select all that apply.

How are you connected to the City of Parksville? Select all that apply.

Please use this space to provide any additional feedback you may have about this survey or any other thoughts, ideas, or concerns?

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