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Our collective agreement, which defines our wages, working conditions, and benefits with UBC expires in August 2025. That means that as unionized workers, we have the right to meet with UBC and negotiate a new agreement for the upcoming years. This survey aims to identify the priorities of our members. Over the last 3 months, the Component 1 Contract Committee (a volunteer group of academic workers) has identified potential priorities for this negotiation. The priorities listed are not exhaustive, but rather a means to identify broad member needs and concerns.
We have included fields in this survey for you to provide your name, contact information, and office location so that the Contract Committee can reach out to you directly. We strongly encourage you to provide as much information as you feel comfortable with. We believe that winning a good contract takes more than just a survey—it takes high level participation of members and a transparent, directly democratic process. In order to make this happen, we need to build an organized community of members. To do this, we need to be able to contact you as a member about bargaining issues that are important to you.
This information will only be accessible to CUPE 2278 representatives and Contract Committee members. We will NEVER share your survey responses or personal information with the employer.
On the next page, you will have an opportunity to rank the bargaining priorities and also provide your own input if you have other suggestions.
THANK YOU for making your voice heard and filling out the bargaining survey. Your voice is important in our union!
In solidarity,
Your Component 1 Contract Committee