2025-2029 Financial Plan

Community Priorities Survey


Each year, the City prepares a five-year financial plan to meet the needs of our community. Guided by Council priorities, the City’s annual budget is part of the financial plan which sets the priority services, programs, and initiatives for the next five years and how the City will pay for them. The City is committed to ensuring fiscal responsibility while responding to the needs of our community and believes public engagement is important to the financial planning process.

This survey is one of the ways our citizens can inform the 2025-2029 financial plan. We appreciate your time to complete this survey and your input will directly influence how the City’s budget is shaped, assisting Council to make financial decisions. The survey is open until October 27.


In the 2023-2026 strategic plan, Council identified six strategic focus areas. Please refer to Let’s Talk Parksville for detailed information on each priority objective:

Official Community Plan Review and Update
Vibrant and Livable Downtown
Water Use Planning and Management
Community Engagement
Investment in Recreation Amenities

What are your priorities for Council to consider in the 2025-2029 financial plan? Please explain here.

What are the top three service areas where you wish to keep funding as it is[Choose three only]


What are the top three service areas where you wish funding to increase? [Choose three only]

How much of an increase would you be willing to pay in additional taxes for these services?

What are the top three service areas where you wish funding to decrease[Choose three only]

If you could improve a City service or add a new service to the budget (recognizing taxes would increase), what would it be and why? We appreciate your time to answer this question.


Every time your street is plowed, you see a fire or RCMP responding to an emergency, or you visit one of the City’s parks, you are witnessing your tax dollars at work.

Your annual property tax bill is made up of taxes for the City of Parksville, Regional District of Nanaimo, Qualicum School District, Nanaimo Regional Hospital. On average, 48% of what you pay in taxes goes to the City of Parksville. Thinking about the part of your taxes that go to the City of Parksville, how would you rate the overall value you receive for your tax dollars?



Municipal property taxes and utility fees are the main source of funding to pay for the services provided by the City of Parksville. Which of the following options would you like the municipality to consider when developing the 2025-2029 financial plan. Please tell us how much you support or oppose each of the following options. Select one response in the drop down menus for each row.


Overall, how satisfied are you with the delivery of ALL the services provided by the City of Parksville?


Are you a City of Parksville resident or taxpayer?

How long have you lived in the City of Parksville?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey! A summary of the survey results will be presented to Council and will be used in preparing the 2025-2029 financial plan. To stay connected to the planning process and continue the conversation, refer to Let’s Talk Parksville.

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