Ukraine Emergency Research Support Program

UERSP Student Researcher Report          
Research Nova Scotia would like to understand the impact of the Ukrainian Emergency Research Support Program (UERSP). We hope you will take a few minutes to provide your insights into how the UERSP has impacted you as a student researcher.

Thank you in advance for your time in completing this report. If you have any questions, please contact

For each question below with a text box response, the character limit is 9,000 (approximately 1200 words to 2250 words). To increase the size of a text box, click and drag the bottom-right corner.

*Please note the RNS file number below (i.e. #2022-1234). File numbers are available in the original funding agreement for your grant.

*Student's First and Last Name:

*Please describe how the UERSP has impacted your research.

*In what ways, if any, has the course of your research changed?

*Understanding that the Russian invasion of Ukraine makes future decisions difficult, do you hope to pursue a career as a researcher?

*To what degree has the UERSP provided you with a sense of professional continuity?

Could you describe how your research training in Ukraine may be benefiting your research colleagues in Canada?

Could you discuss any unexpected consequences of the UERSP (positive or negative)?

*What is your overall assessment of the UERSP in terms of its strengths and weaknesses?

If you have any other comments that could help improve the UERSP program, please use the text box below.

Thank you for your insights. Please click submit.
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