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Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Questionnaire on the Use of Indigenous Languages in the Federal Public Service (Team-Level)
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We are pleased to invite you to respond to the Questionnaire on the Use of Indigenous Languages in the Federal Public Service.
Si vous préférez répondre au sondage en français, veuillez choisir « Français » dans le coin supérieur droit de la page Web.
If you would like to complete this questionnaire using an alternative format, please contact us at
This questionnaire was developed by the Joint Committee on the Use of Indigenous Languages in the Public Service, chaired by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), in collaboration with Parks Canada Agency (PCA), pursuant to Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with Respect to Indigenous Languages between Treasury Board and the PSAC, and PCA and the PSAC. For the purpose of this questionnaire, “organization” refers to any federal department, agency or institution.
The Joint Committee recognizes the rich diversity of First Nation, Inuit, and Métis languages and dialects used in Canada. The use of “Indigenous” languages throughout this document refers to First Nation, Inuit, and Métis languages.
Indigenous Languages Act
was adopted in 2019. The
, which was co-developed with Indigenous peoples, is intended to support the reclamation, revitalization, maintenance and strengthening of Indigenous languages in Canada.
The questionnaire will provide us with an understanding of the
use of Indigenous languages in the workplace
by federal public service employees represented by the collective agreements and MOUs that govern the Joint Committee, namely the Program and Administrative Services (PA), Education and Library Science (EB) occupational groups within the Core Public Administration, and all employment groups within the PCA. We encourage organizations with equivalent occupational groups to respond to the questionnaire and specify relevant occupational groups and levels where requested. We also hope to learn about your organization’s
current and future initiatives to support and/or promote the use of Indigenous languages
in the delivery of your mandate.
Your participation in this questionnaire is encouraged and appreciated. The information you provide will be protected under the
Privacy Act
, and is subject to the
Access to Information Act
and any other pertinent legislation. Please note that the information gathered in this questionnaire could be included in the final Joint Committee report. To protect the confidentiality of participants, team-level responses will be aggregated by organization. All aggregated responses will be shared with organizations before publication.
This questionnaire is being administered using the third-party online service SimpleSurvey. For additional information on how SimpleSurvey stores and protects information, please visit their web page for
Frequently Asked Questions
Privacy Policy
. To avoid the inadvertent collection of personal information in the open text boxes,
please do not provide any personal identifiers about yourself or others
The survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and your participation is voluntary. If you cannot complete the survey in one session, you can save the information you have entered using the "Save and continue later" button located at the bottom left of every page. You can resume your session at another time.
We appreciate the contribution of Indigenous members of the Joint Committee in the development of the questionnaires, as well as feedback from members of the Indigenous Federal Employees Network, Indigenous Executives Network and regional Indigenous employee networks.
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this questionnaire.
Gail Lem
Public Service Alliance of Canada
Carsten Quell
Executive Director
Official Languages Centre of Excellence
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Nathalie Leblanc, LL.B.
Executive Director
Corporate Human Resources
Parks Canada
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