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Thank you for your interest in participating in future ChildCareBC engagements. We value your experience and expertise and want to hear from you! To assist us in getting your feedback, we are establishing a pool of child care professionals interested in participating in upcoming engagements.
You may have completed a similar questionnaire in 2019 or 2021. This is a refreshed and updated version to ensure we’re including new child care providers and have the most-up-to-date contact information. We’re asking anyone who is interested in engaging on the next phases of the ChildCare BC plan to complete this refreshed Child Care Sector Engagement Pool questionnaire. The questionnaire will ask for professional demographic information specific to your credentials and the child care facility where you work as well as methods and topics of engagement that interest you. The questions included help us filter the pool of interested parties for each engagement to ensure we hear from all demographics and that the topic is relevant to you. We will also collaborate with the ministries of Children and Family Development, Post Secondary and Future Skills, and Health to ensure that the time you invest in sharing your feedback is put to use by others involved in child care, where relevant. However, we will never share your private contact information and all feedback gathered will be summarized with identifying information removed. How Does the Pool Work? For each engagement, a sample of child care professionals who meet the project criteria will be selected at random from the pool and given the details of the engagement, which they can choose to participate in, or not. Participation in the pool is entirely voluntary and has no bearing on your application for or participation in any provincial child care program. You may choose to withdraw at any time or to decline an invitation to a specific engagement and still be considered for others. There will be no travel costs to you for participating in any engagement activities.
Collection Notice: The information in this application is being collected under section 26(c)(e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Information will be used only for the purpose of determining your interest in and developing invitations for future engagements on child care related topics. Should you have any questions about this form, please contact Breanne McClusky, Director of Engagement,