FRDR User Satisfaction Survey

Preamble: Intent and purpose of survey

The Alliance’s Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR) is a national platform for data sharing and publication. Anyone may use FRDR to search for and download datasets. Faculty members or librarians, or their appointed designates, from a Canadian post-secondary institution, may deposit data in FRDR.   

This survey is designed to gain a better understanding of your user experiences and level of satisfaction with FRDR’s platform. Your responses will help us evaluate, improve, plan, and design a better repository experience for our users in the future.

The time to complete this survey is approximately 5 minutes. Thank you for your time.

How your answers will be used

This is an anonymous survey. We will not ask for your name or any information that will directly identify you, and your responses will not be linked to your user profile. Please do not disclose identifying information in the open-ended questions. If you do include identifying information, it will be removed before the results are shared.

Survey responses will be used for quality improvement purposes. We will retain the data from this survey indefinitely and may continue to use it in the future. Your responses may be quoted, verbatim, or otherwise, and presented publicly in presentations. We may also aggregate the data to use for reporting purposes to our funders or partners. We may share the anonymous or aggregated data with other organizations or service providers, such as other data repositories.

Who to contact
Email us at if you have any questions or concerns about this survey.