Engagement on the draft Ocean Noise Strategy for Canada

Privacy Notice Statement

Your participation and decision to answer any question in this survey is voluntary. By participating in this survey, you agree to not use personal identifying information in your responses. You acknowledge that the information is collected and administered in accordance with the Privacy Act and applicable laws, and that it may be provided to central agencies for the evaluation and accountability of the department. 

Any questions or comments regarding this privacy notice may be directed to DFO’s Access to Information and Privacy Secretariat at dfoprivacy-viepriveempo@dfo-mpo.gc.ca. You have the right to the correction of, access to and protection of your personal information under the Privacy Act and to file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada over DFO’s handling of your information. If you are not satisfied that DFO has adequately respected your privacy, you have a right to file a complaint. You may contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada by calling their information center at 1-800-282-1376 or by visiting their contact page.  

Note: All mandatory questions have been identified with a red asterix (*). These questions must be answered in order to submit your feedback.

*Please read and agree to the Privacy Notice Statement to continue.