RNS Extension Request Form

Research Nova Scotia (RNS) Extension Request Form       

If you would like to request a no-cost extension for your grant/award start or end date, please complete the following form. A delay cannot exceed one year in total, including any delays throughout the grant period (including time to obtain ethics approval), and requests should be submitted to RNS at least 30 days prior to your funding end date.  Refer to our Grant & Award Holder’s Guide for further information on our extension policy.

We aim to respond to your request within 10 business days.  If you have any questions, please contact RNS at apply@researchns.ca.

For each question below with a text box response, the character limit is 9,000 (approximately 1200 words to 2250 words). To increase the size of a text box, click and drag the bottom-right corner.
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