FACS Niagara Website Survey

Thank you for your time today!

We want to ensure our website is meeting the needs of our community and that you can find the information you need quickly and easily. 

This brief survey has nine questions and should take 2 or 3 minutes to complete. Your answers will help us serve you better and improve the experience for all users. 

This survey is voluntary, completely anonymous and we are not collecting any personal information.  

*1) What were you looking for on our website today? Please check all that apply.

*2) Using the scale below, please rate your agreement or disagreement with the following statement: It was easy to find the information I was looking for on FACS Niagara's website today.

*3) What was your first impression of FACS Niagara based on your visit to our website today?

*4) What did you like most about our website?

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